About Us

Jesús Rodrigo Salazar Rosas

Senior Associate

Jesús Rodrigo received his law degree from Escuela Comercial Cámara de Comercio.

Postgraduate studies

Master’s degree in Corporative Law from Escuela Comercial Cámara de Comercio.


Conference: Environmental law from de perspective of Human rights, Imparted by  La casa de la Cultura Juridica de Colima, July 2012

Conference: Delimitations of continental platforms in international Ocean Law
He teaches by “Institute of Legal Research of UNAM and El Instituto de Ciencias del mal y Limnologia.
December 2011 

Theme tables: Cuestiones Actuales en la Legislación Penal Mexicana 
I.- Analysis of the general law for prevention and penalyzing in kidnapping matter 
II.- Legal regulation over illegal procedence resources.
III.- Justice for the underaged kids in conflict with the law
Imparted by Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, February 2011

Seminar: Reforma Constitucional y derechos humanos : Un Nuevo Modelo 
Imparted  by Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas, February 2011

National congress Culture of legality, computer science, legal and information law.
Delivered by Secretaria de Gobernacion October 2010.